We hope that you were able to spend quality time with your children reading great books together!
Congratulations go out to those students who returned the little "Winter Journal" writing book and shared their entries with us! It was fun to hear about the different activities that children did over Winter Break! This was also great writing practice for the students.
Another fun writing activity to share with children could be to write "New Year Resolutions" together. These may include keeping a writing journal over the year to express special ideas and events through writing. Or another activity could be to discover a new tradition, like a family reading or literacy game evening.
Visiting the library more frequently could be one too. There are so many great events going on at the library this Winter!
Some events going on at the West Allis Public Library include:
January 8 Preschool Evening Story Time for ages 3, 4, and 5 years old
January 9 Toddler Story Times for 2 year olds with a caretaker
January 12 Friends of the West Allis Public Library Book Sale
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